Rain, Political confusion, and gas strike.

Interesting time in Italy at the moment.  Just like last year the rains of November are causing landslides and flooding throughout Italy.  The problem is over building, and poor adminstration controls, this is getting to be like the Naples garbage issues, an annual problem.

The current government is on the verge of falling once again.  Not sure if this is a good thing or bad.  There is no one to take over and the system is too messed up to fix with the change in PM.  Italy has not made a decision on what type of government it has wanted since the resorgimento and the birth of the modern state.  I would not dislike going back to the Lire but the up heaval could be very scary.

If you are traveling in Italy over the next few days there is a gas station strike.  Not all stations are participating.

A dopo!!

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